• 530 Water St. 5th Fl,  Oakland,  CA  94607
  • 510-844-3722

If you previously completed an application and want to retrieve it please enter the following:Please click here


Owner Operator's Application for Contracting

GSC Transport, Inc.
530 Water St. 5th Fl,
Oakland,  CA  94607
*If at current address less than 5 years, list below most recent addresses for the past 5 years. (Click on the Plus sign to add additional Previous Addresses.)
Do you have a WA CDL
(Below forms will be sent)
Do you have 3 years driving history?:*
The following forms will be sent to you after you complete this application and you MUST complete them as part of the application process: W-9, Previous Pre-Employment Employee Alcohol and Drug Test Statement, and DOT/FMCSA Previous Employee lnvestigation & Inquiries*

Commercial Driver's License

CDL Type *
Endorsements (check all that apply)
Air Brake Restriction? *
Automatic Transmission Restriction
Current DOT Medical Card *

Driving/Hauling Experience

Additional Licenses

Accident Review for Past 5 Years

If no Accidents to report, you must check this box.
  No Accidents to report. *
Click on the Plus sign to add additional Accidents.

Last Accident

Traffic Convictions & Forfeitures for Past 5 Years

If no Traffic Convictions or Forfeitures to report, you must check this box.
  No Traffic Convictions or Forfeitures to report. *
Click on the Plus sign to add additional Traffic Convictions or Forfeitures.

Employment History

You must provide accurate dates of employment and phone numbers covering the last ten years (per DOT regulation). We cannot hire you without verifying employment. If you need to list additional employers, click "Add Another Employer" below.
Driving/Hauling Experience With This Employer
You can add only 15 employers!

May we contact current employer?          
Yes    No


By clicking "Send" below, I certify that the facts contained in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and understand that, if employed, any falsified statements on this application shall be grounds for dismissal. Under the provisions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Americans With Disabilities Act, the Drivers Privacy Protection Act and all other applicable federal, state, and local laws I authorize investigation of all statements contained herein as well as authorize the references and employers listed to give you any and all information concerning my previous employment and any pertinent information they may have, personal or otherwise.

I hereby release and hold harmless any person, firm, or entity that discloses information in accordance with this authorization, as well as my prospective employer, and its agents, from any liability that may otherwise result from the request for, use of, or disclosure of, any or all of the foregoing information. The above-mentioned investigations may include, but are not limited to, information as to my character, general reputation, work history, or lifestyle, discerned through employment and education verifications; personal references; personal interviews; my personal credit history based on reports from any credit bureau; my driving history, including any traffic citations; a social security number verification; present and former addresses; criminal and civil history records; or any other public record.

I understand that consumer reports which may contain public record information may be requested, at the discretion of my prospective employer, which may include names, dates of employment, reason for termination, work experience, traffic records, workers compensation claims, etc. I have the right, under the provisions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Drivers Privacy Protection Act to request all such information from the reporting agency, upon proper identification, and to request the nature and substance of all information; and the receipt of any reports on me, which the reporting agency has, or will, furnish for the two preceding years. I am also entitled to a copy of my consumer rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. I also understand and agree that no representative of the company has any authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specified period of time, or to make any agreement contrary to the forgoing, unless it is in writing and signed by an authorized company representative.

   Review Form  
   Review Form  
  Review Form  
  Review Form  
  Review Form  
  Review Form  
  Review Form  
  Review Form  

This certifies that this application was completed by me and that all entries and the information herein are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

Date: 2025-03-10 22:14:52

Click the Save - but don't send button if you would like to return and complete your application at a later time.

Once you complete your application and are ready to submit it, please click "Send". You will not be able to make any further edits once you click send.