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Here at Cdlsuite.com we get asked on a daily basis whether or not electronic signatures on driver employment applications and consent forms are in compliance with FMCSA guidelines.
FMCSA has been very clear on guidelines surrounding e-signatures and has made those guidelines readily available and straight forward for carriers who wish to streamline the driver recruiting process by going digital. The bottom line is that e-signatures may be used and accepted with some reasonable restrictions. But don’t take our word for it.
For those who wish to get a better understanding of how and where electronic signatures can be used we would like to direct you to the appropriate resource. The following link will take you to a downloadable PDF that simplifies those guidelines in a way that most people can understand. We encourage anyone who makes use of digital authorizations to visit this and other resources to familiarize yourself with the requirement governing their use.
See: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-01-04/pdf/2010-33238.pdf
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Regulatory Guidance Concerning Electronic Signatures and Documents
AGENCY: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of regulatory guidance.
SUMMARY: FMCSA issues regulatory guidance concerning the use of electronic signatures and documents to comply with FMCSA regulations. This guidance provides the motor carrier industry, Federal, State, and local motor carrier enforcement officials, and other interested parties with uniform information regarding FMCSA’s acceptance of electronic signature on documents required by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. All prior Agency interpretations and regulatory guidance, including memoranda and letters, may no longer be relied upon to the extent they are inconsistent with this guidance.
DATES: Effective Date: This regulatory guidance is effective January 4, 2011.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Genevieve D. Sapir, Office of the Chief Counsel, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE., Washington, DC 20590–0001, (202) 366–7056; e-mail: Genevieve.Sapir@dot.gov. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION”
Cdlsuite is the low cost way for small and medium carriers to implement attractive, web-based driver employment applications and consent forms that are mobile-ready and allow for electronic signatures on any device.
Our professional looking applications inspire more drivers to apply the moment they see your job opportunity, and because our applications are online they can be completed and signed in minutes, even while the driver is on the go. No more waiting for drivers to download your obsolete paper application or email a resume. Our easy-fill applications give you a competitive edge when it comes to driver recruiting.
Implement Cdlsuite applications and consent forms today and accelerate your driver recruiting.