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Truck driver recruiters who are prohibited from asking about criminal history can now update their online truck driver job application to satisfy the requirement.
In response to an initiative known as “Ban the Box,” Cdlsuite.com recently updated the popular online driver recruitment software to support trucking companies who are required to remove felony and criminal history questions from their truck driver applications. Cdlsuite.com is a software platform that allows small and medium carriers to implement affordable online driver applications that are mobile ready and can accept electronic signatures on any device.
Ban the Box is an international campaign aimed at persuading employers to remove the check box that asks if applicants have a criminal record from their hiring applications. Nationwide, over half of the states and localities have already adopted the Ban the Box legislation, as well as other fair chance laws requiring prospective employers to consider a job candidate’s qualifications first, without the negative stigma of their criminal history. On a federal level, President Obama has endorsed Ban the Box by directing all federal agencies to delay inquiries into a job applicant’s criminal history until later in the hiring process.
Cdlsuite.com has made it possible for truck driver recruiters to easily comply with any Ban the Box regulations by making criminal history questions a client-controlled option on their online driver employment applications and consent forms. “Nearly all of the trucking companies we serve have some sort of unique hiring circumstance to contend with. This is just another example of how our online driver application is designed to address those exceptional requirements,” says Brandon Lawrence, Customer Service Manager at Cdlsuite.com.
As the number of states and counties enacting fair chance laws continues to grow, more trucking companies will be required to revise their driver application processes in order to comply, starting with any hiring forms they use. Carriers who utilize Cdlsuite.com as their online driver job application are able to update their hiring forms with the press of a button. “We have actually been surprised with the number of carriers that have proactively removed the criminal history questions from their application forms in support of the initiative,” says Lawrence. “Those carriers are still investigating each applicant’s history as required by FMCSA, however, they have simply moved the general criminal history part of the investigation downstream.”
Ban the Box legislation varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. In some states, the laws are currently limited to the public sector while other jurisdictions target private employers, including trucking companies. Under most Ban the Box legislation, criminal history may still be examined, but only after the truck driver applicant has been evaluated on their ability to perform the job. Carriers are offered some exemptions for convictions specifically related to violations of motor vehicle laws within the prior three years.
Carriers are encouraged to seek guidance from counsel prior to making changes to their driver employment applications or driver hiring practices to ensure compliance.
Cdlsuite.com is the low cost way for small and medium carriers to implement attractive, web-based driver employment applications and consent forms that are mobile-ready and allow for electronic signatures on any device.
Our professional looking applications inspire more drivers to apply the moment they see your job opportunity, and because our applications are online they can be completed and signed in minutes, even while the driver is on the go. No more waiting for drivers to download your obsolete paper application or email a resume. Our easy-fill applications give you a competitive edge when it comes to driver recruiting.
Implement Cdlsuite.com applications and consent forms today and accelerate your driver recruiting.